My Twitter Digest for the Past Week 2009-11-16
Updated my rant on the Social Media Revolution video as @equalman redeemed himself with Social Media ROI vid #
RT @jowyang: Video: The ROI of Social Technologies, forward to your boss by @equalman #
RT @problogger: Reading: The 7 Harsh Realities of Social Media Marketing | Copyblogger | Great insight #
@TourismCurrents Online Ticket site (even 4 those attending in MCO) or using Twubs with #phocuswright gets all hashtags in reply to TourismCurrents #
Wondering how many people attending #PhoCusWright have Google Wave – was considering doing a little test… any interest? #
@laurably @donnadeau Actually, Eagles’ Hotel California wasn’t about a hotel – An allegory for life in LA in reply to laurably #
@bjbstewart Good idea. May rethink my recommendation to use Ouija Boards & incantations 4 travel planning #phocuswright in reply to bjbstewart #
Giving an Adult Ed preso at Church today: How to Find Great Travel Values. Pretty good examples – Avg 48% savings #travel #
@tripology The @WynnLasVegas Warehouse Sale “upto 80% off on women’s apparel, home decor… etc. 3 hr lines yesterday in reply to tripology # – Who is that kid? My daughter Miranda makes the cover of the Sears national advertising circular. #
RT @mitchjoel: Fascinating video interview with Rupert Murdoch from News Corp. about media: #
Another great collection of videos – #designhotels reveals inspiration of #hotel designers & owners #
@yeeldsolutions Great point – #intercontinental vids focus on locale & #designhotels vids focus on property – both inspire in reply to yeeldsolutions #
I just became a member of the Twub for #phocuswright at #
Just noticed I passed 1,000 Twitter followers – Now I know what @aplusk feels like… yea, right… #notevenclose #
#phocuswright walking the walk. Online Ticket & conference site a very cool mashup of streaming video & #twubs 4 #hashtags #
Not attending #phocuswright? No worries. Follow on #twubs & stream 60 hashtags. Buy Online Ticket 4 Video #
Attn: PhoCusWright Attendees – Go to | Log in | Update profile | Follow Video + 60 hashtags | + archive #
Thanks @BruceRosard for the preview of the very cool @twubs / streaming video site 4 #PhoCusWright. @alexbainbridge, I agree #
@HHotelConsult Need to create a hotel “war stories” site collecting all the crazy things that happen – I could provide many in reply to HHotelConsult #
@Karismahotels Thanks for the #FollowFriday shout out – and the same back to you as well. in reply to Karismahotels #
InterContinental Hotels site provides great examples of hotel produced videos to promote destinations #
RT @ORourkeSEO: InterContinental Hotels Online Videos More Effective Than TV Spot | Local Knowledge #
RT @TIGGlobal: Eye on the Industry: Google Rolls Out Ad Sitelinks for Adwords | Huge benefit for Hotels #
DOT fines Ultimate Fares $600,000 for advertising violations – failing to include taxes & fees #travel #
RT @elliottng: Is your company trusted, or does it have a “digital combover?” Heh. @jowyang: #dco #
@HHotelConsult I have worked in the industry for 33 years, about seven at the property level. #hotel in reply to HHotelConsult #
Examples of companies doing social media wrong from @jowyang: | Great stories – even better lessons #
RT @tcpeter: New post: 4 sure e-commerce tips to boost conversion… | Actually 59 tips (he’s so modest) #
RT @TWtravelnews: Republic commits to Milwaukee hub | Good news. The battle for MKE escalates #airline #
@AndresBRx Sorry – the Google Wave invite was traded for a Google Voice invite… in reply to AndresBRx #
@sdanielleon That’s a good point – I had 2 lists , speakers & presenters (innovators), but I can put the Presenters on the Speakers list too in reply to sdanielleon #
@JEBworks To check Twitter list members, go to list, select “view list page”, then click on “Following” #PhoCusWright in reply to JEBworks #
@JEBworks The list will only have people who have Twitter accounts – found as many as I could – some may not have them #PhoCusWright in reply to JEBworks #
Created a Twitter list of Speakers at 2009 #PhoCusWright Conference: | Please advise any missing Tweeps #
Wound up with 2 Google Wave invites – I’ll trade you a Wave invite for a Google Voice Invite… sound like a deal? #
Created a Twitter list of people formally affiliated with #PhoCusWright | Let me know if I missed anyone #
YouTube getting HiDef 1080p player. Hotel/Travel Co’s – No more excuses, time 2 embrace HiDef rich media #
@planetism Welcome to Twitter. Looking forward to seeing you present at #phocuswright travel innovation summit #pcplanetism #
Classic quote by PKF’s Robert Mandelbaum on the 2010 US Hotel industry forecast “next year is going to suck” #hotels #
2010 Social Media mandate for companies: SM boosts productivity, millennials seek it, engages workforce #
@flyingwithfish I was shooting for reverent as well 8^) in reply to flyingwithfish #
RT @VFMLeonardo: #hoteloutlook – 52% of webinar attendees expect the economic health of the hotel industry to improve in 2010 #
Changed my Twitter bio – decided on “Disciple of the global travel industry.” Thought it had a nice ring to it. #travel #
@ClaudeBenard Thanks for the kind words on the hotel industry forecast post. Would have preferred that the stats were much more positive… in reply to ClaudeBenard #
Created a Twitter list for #phocuswright Travel Innovation Summit presenters: #
Thanks 4 RT’s on US Hotel 2009-2010 forecast @ClaudeBenard @elliottng @alaneyoung @RecessionProof_ #
Looking for some depressing reading? New Blog Post: US Hotel Performance – Time for a Baseline Reset? #
RT @KeenerGuy: Love this article from @briansolis about the New Influence Factor in Social Media #agree #
@fareologist I’ll be at #phocuswright next week. Stop by the “Battle for Smart Travel Planning” panel on Wednesday & say Hi in reply to fareologist #
RT @claudepeloquin @eMarketer: Young women more likely to discover new brands in status updates than banner ads #
RT @UpTake: 20% of searches are navigational, 40% are users looking for specific info, remaining 40% better served real time #
@xotels Interesting take on hotel franchising – Especially as Marriott launches Autograph brand to aggregate independents. in reply to xotels #
Funny/Sad call with Chase CS Supv. Agreed a) Policy made no sense b) Didn’t know why policy existed c) No alt options #FAIL #
RT @seozombie: YouTube Ranking Factors #pubcon | Note: Possible list, not the secret sauce…. #
RT @crowdgather: Vegas economy is hurting for sure. Hotel hookers finally competitive with 24 hr in-room, adult pay per view… #
RT @blastam: Las Vega Hilton: Twitter accounts are ranking above regular websites. Key is to stay involved & capitalize the SERPs. #pubcon #
RT @barbdelollis: IHG will let hotel owners waive certain brand standards that don’t affect guest experience for one more year #
RT @rww: Bing Teams up With Wolfram Alpha | Another “Search Wars” salvo. This is getting interesting. #
RT @LisaBarone: The Vegas hotel execs talk Twitter. Some good nuggets here. | #pubcon Keynote recap #
RT @hsmailax: Overcoming the Obstacles To Social Business (Via @HarvardBiz). | Great advice from @armano #
RT @GoVisitHawaii Glad to hear MGM Grand uses social media 2 LISTEN & react to customer complaints via twitter & FB #pubcon #
RT @andybeal: Vegas Hilton: I’ve made it a requirement that staff have Twitter/Facebook URL on business cards. #pubcon #
RT @andybeal: Luxor hotel: nobody knows what the next “Twitter” is going to be and it doesn’t really matter. #pubcon #agree #
RT @foxychops: @angelsden has 212 angels interested in travel #getfunded | Do an entrepreneur a favor & Please RT! #
@HotelBlogs FaceBook (& Google Friend) Connect 1) simplify registration; 2) link w/ friends c) enable targeted engagement in reply to HotelBlogs #
Thanks @PhoCusWright & @BruceRosard for generously sharing some key stats from PhoCusWright Financial Edition webinar #
RT @BruceRosard: PhoCusWright Finance Webinar: OTA bookings growth: 09 = +2%, 2010 projected at 14% | Wow – Big shift #
David Letterman “Things more fun than reading the Sarah Palin Memoir: Number 22 – Microwaving your head” With nice vid clip #
RT @jowyang: Noticed that United Airlines tries to get you to buy ‘upgrade miles’ at kiosks | Get used to it, airlines <3 ancilliary revenue #
@TravelDesigned FYI – Newegg has a 15MB/s 32GB SD card for $87 – that can even handle a good amount of 1080p HiDef Video… in reply to TravelDesigned #
RT @TheFundingGame @getfunded: Ten Ways To Attract Angel Funding #
Thanks @EliteTravelGal @IngridaLM @UpTake @HappyHotelier @latenitecoder @Susantravels @AirlineCIO 4 adding me 2 your #travel lists #
Hope @travelrants doesn’t turn into #travelhugs to avoid being sued & only says nice things about PR sourced stories #tbcamp #
Hoping to avoid being sued @travelrants does not turn into #travelhugs and only say nice things about PR sourced stories… #
@foxychops I wouldn’t say the travel industry is scared by social media – but many are confused & perplexed #tbcamp in reply to foxychops #
RT @BudTravel: World’s Best Affordable Hotels for under $150! SHhhhh! | No – Tell people, so they travel! #
RT @forrester: Forrester’s Top 15 technologies: @rkoplowitz blogs about #social computing: #
“Tweeting about your business is like a cat bringing in a dead mouse and then expecting you to be impressed” via @hugoburge #tbcamp #tnooz #
@toddlucier Certain types of formatting (like photo captions) also get stripped out on @btn_news. Resyndication challenging. in reply to toddlucier #
@toddlucier No link to the original post in the @PhoCusWright Connect RSS feed, so @btn_news can’t link back. Easily fixed? in reply to toddlucier #
RT @fodorstravel: Google is offering free wifi at 47 major airports, from now until January 15th. Wow. #
RT @msnbc_travel: Industry forecasts drop in Thanksgiving travel | higher unemployment, fewer air seats #
RT @HOTELSmagazine: AAHOA officially opposes OTA last-room availability, rate parity requirements. #
@twelpforce Looking 4 a highly portable shotgun mic / light / tripod setup to use 4 tradeshow interviews with Kodak zi8. Ideas? #
RT @SmartSuite The Berkus Method – Valuing the Early Stage Investment. “Winning Angels” by Harvard #