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Health and safety protocols promoted in Los Cabos, Mexico’s top luxury travel destination

Health and safety protocols promoted in Los Cabos, Mexico’s top luxury travel destination

Los Cabos was one of the first tourist destinations to open up to tourists amid the COVIDD-19 pandemic and will continue to welcome guests with the same warmth and hospitality it has always done. It accommodates breathtaking sceneries, sandy beaches, along with landmarks and historical sights. The demand for travel is the strongest it’s ever been in the past couple of months, so nonstop flights have been added to the Los Cabos International Airport. Those seeking a much-needed escape this summer are fortunate. Visitors to the Baja California Peninsula will be able to use a new service from Los Cabos Airport Transportation, a renowned airport shuttle business. Visitors are encouraged to make arrangements for their trip online.

Many laud Los Cabos’s due diligence in travel safety
Interestingly enough, Los Cabos has succeeded in gaining recognition from the World Travel & Tourism Council, which works together with governments to raise awareness about the travel and tourism industry. Presently, the focus is on making sure that people are and feel safe when they travel, even if the sector can’t guarantee complete safety. The Los Cabos Tourism Board has implemented stringent health and safety measures in an effort to protect both visitors and locals, while also minimizing the economic impact and reducing business closures. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Los Cabos has adopted several measures to protect the public health, including demanding visitors to complete a health questionnaire prior to their departure.

In what follows, we’ll outline some of the measures implemented by the Los Cabos Tourism Board.

• Creating health and safety guidelines in harmony with health authorities
• Developing a layered approach strengthening cleaning, hygiene, physical distancing, and the use of PPE
• Implementing health screening protocols at the airport and port
• Working together with travel providers to get a Clean Point certification
• Enabling a flexible reservation policy for travelers
• Facilitating communication between local authorities and hotels, suppliers, etc.

The meticulous implementation of health and safety protocols has played an important role in Los Cabos’ travel recovery. Although it might take some time for the vaccine passport to become part of the new normal, those flying locally or internationally pay close attention to regulations and plan accordingly.

Latest travel advice and entry requirements
At present, Mexico doesn’t require a negative COVID-19 test for entry. Nonetheless, as mentioned earlier in this article, it’s necessary to fill out a health questionnaire online and provide a few personal details. When reaching the end of the 4 sections of the quiz, a QR code for personal use and green/yellow sign are generated. If the QR code is green, the person can access the security check at the airport without delay. On the contrary, if the QR code is yellow, it will be necessary to report to the security filter and be subjected to an in-person examination by a doctor. Attention needs to be paid to the fact that temperature checks are widely conducted at the airport.

Visitors to Los Cabos can leverage some of the best travel deals, not to mention that they have ample time to plan their schedules. Those who might have concerns or further questions about traveling ought to reach out to a qualified travel advisor who can address these issues. Travelers can enjoy budget-friendly options when it comes to flying to Los Cabos. They just need to be willing to carry out a search. There’s no reason to be paranoid, yet it’s recommended to be aware and prepared.