Social Media Strategies for Travel 2010
This event moves beyond the ‘should we take social media seriously?’ debates that were so 2008! Social media is radically changing the way that we communicate with our customers. Get the real low down on how travel companies are capitalizing on social media and take home practical advice to share with your colleagues on how to drive real return from your social media initiatives.
The 2010 event will cover -
* Analyze the Advancing Social Media Landscape - Stay Ahead of Key Developments in e-Communications, Social Media and Customer Behavior
* Managing the Strategic Importance of Social Media to Your Business- Set the right vision, KPIs and strategy for your business
* Understand How to Use Social media to Manage Your Brand Reputation Online
* Social Media Metrics & Meaning – Are you Tracking and Interpreting Your Social Media Initiatives Effectively?
* Twitter and the Rise of Micro-blogging – What Are the Implications for your Travel Business?
* At What Point in the Purchasing Cycle and to What Extent are Travellers Influenced by Social Media? - Get the Facts
* Social Media Content and SEO - Get the Right Content to Suit Your Brand & Drive Quality Traffic to Your Site
* Effectively Use Social Media Tools to Boost CRM & Loyalty Results
* And more!