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Wtm News

Tourism unites, London Mayor tells WTM

Tourism unites, London Mayor tells WTM

9 November 2009 Travel Events News

Mayor of London Boris Johnson opened World Travel Market 2009 by emphasising how “travel and tourism can bring people together in shared appreciation and understanding.” Referring to the 2012 Olympic Games, he said, “I’m optimistic about the impact of the Games. We want to use the £9.3 billion investment to boost bits of London that have been neglected for ages.

3rd annual Ministers’ Summit announced for November 2009

9 July 2009 Press Release Travel Events News

The 3rd annual Ministers’ Summit will be held on 11 November 2009 in London by UNWTO and the World Travel Market (WTM). This key gathering of travel & tourism stakeholders will serve to assess the effects of the economic crisis on the industry and provide new solutions to overcome current challenges.

BTN World Travel Market Round-up

14 November 2004 Press Release Travel Technology News

World Travel Market (WTM), the global event for the travel industry, has set new records marking its 25th anniversary. This year’s exhibition expanded to more than 5,000 exhibitors from over 190 countries, reflecting a general recovery and sense of optimism in the marketplace.