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Volunteers help ScotRail revamp Croy station

Volunteers help ScotRail revamp Croy station

Hard-working volunteers have completed a floral ‘makeover’ at Croy station, as part of a ScotRail community project. Kilsyth Community Market Garden has planted attractive shrubs at the edges of the station platforms and introduced silk floral arrangements inside the booking office.

Group members have also installed fence-mounted flower baskets to welcome customers arriving at the front of the station.

Heather McLean, of Kilsyth Community Market Garden, said: “We consulted users of the station before commencing our project, and found there was widespread support for our intentions. “It is great to see the station making its own contribution to local biodiversity.”

John Yellowlees, ScotRail’s external relations manager, said: “We are delighted with the work Kilsyth Community Market Garden’s members have carried out to enhance Croy station.

“Their floral displays have created a more attractive environment for the growing number of customers using the station.”