GBTA Foundation launches new web services feature to Hotel RFP
The GBTA Foundation, the research and education arm of the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), today announced a new automated online feature to the Hotel RFP. In addition to being global, the Hotel RFP is now more efficient and easier to use because it incorporates XML and web service functionality for automation of data transfer.
“We are thrilled to be able to finally launch this new automated feature to further enhance the revised global Hotel RFP format for 2013,” said Daphne Bryant, GBTA Foundation executive director. “We understand that this is a transitional year and that many companies will need this year to implement all of the changes to the new RFP. We fully expect both versions of the format to be used during the upcoming negotiation season. We have issued the new format and web service functionality now in order to provide as much time as possible for adoption and implementation.”
GBTA Foundation, along with members of the GBTA Hotel Committee, an International Taskforce comprised of individuals from around the world, and a Technical Task Force, comprised of individuals with a range of technical experience, created the new Hotel RFP to provide members and their respective companies with a global industry standard for hotel negotiations.
The GBTA Hotel RFP is available free to members worldwide and is available in the Resources section of the Hub at