IATA lays out 2006 priorities
The International Air Transport Association lists lists its priorities for 2006, which involves securing $ 1.5 billion of industry fuel savings.Safety
Ensure 90% of IATA Members have scheduled IATA Operational Safety Audits (IOSA) by end 2006.
Simplifying the Business
Achieve 70% penetration of e-ticketing in IATA BSPs, by end 2006.
Secure commitment for implementation of Common Use Self-Service (CUSS) at 15 new locations, and 2D Bar Code by 25 airlines.
Secure the commitment of 10 countries to participate in the 2007 ‘early implementation’ programme for e-freight.
Simplify the scheduling and slot allocation mechanisms through automation of the processes.
Achieve savings/cost avoidance of $ 1.3 billion in industry taxes, charges and fuel fees, including at least $ 750 million in real cost reductions.
Launch 7 new Billing Settlement Plans (BSP) and Cargo Account Settlement Plan (CASS) operations in addition to 4 new products/services to improve service and/or reduce airline costs.
Secure $ 1.5 billion of industry fuel savings through airline operational efficiencies, new routes and infrastructure enhancements.
Secure US-EU mutual recognition of cargo security screening, and reduce passenger processing at three key international airports.
Ensure that decisions in International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the EU reflect the industry position on climate change.