Trisept Solutions Expands International Reach
Air New Zealand has implemented Trisept’s dynamic packaging and
travel distribution technology for the Air New Zealand Holidays operation.Air New Zealand launched its New Zealand point of sale products using
Trisept’s dynamic packaging technology and plans to release other country
points of sale, including the United States, in the coming months.
“For the past ten years, Air New Zealand Holidays has been providing
customers with travel options to many of Air New Zealand’s destinations
and this latest development now takes that offering into a dynamic, online
environment,” said Air New Zealand Group General Manager Marketing Network
and Sales, Norm Thompson. “As the number one travel Web site in New
Zealand, our customers have been looking for a dynamic online holiday
product that offers a variety of ground options.”
Trisept Solutions launched Air New Zealand Online Holidays on April 3,
2005 ( The multi-tiered travel
technology rollout includes multiple consumer Web sites and the
development of travel center (call center) applications, utilizing
Trisept’s popular VAX VacationAccess technology.
“We’re excited to have Air New Zealand, as our tenth airline brand,
joining our deep portfolio of airlines who use our technology for their
leisure travel distribution platform,” said John Ische, president and CEO
of Trisept Solutions. “Working with Air New Zealand has provided a platform for us to show that
we can provide industry-leading technology to international air carriers -
just as we have provided to U.S. point of sale airlines for years,” said
Ische. “For international air carriers we have an ideal travel
distribution solution. One technology base, one inventory, rate and rules
base, and an integrated service solution for all of points of sale.”