BTM announces first 100 hosted buyers

With activity ahead of the third annual Business Travel Market (BTM) ramping up, the conference & exhibition for European travel buyers is excited to announce that the first hundred VIP Hosted Buyers have registered for the event. Featuring organizations from 17 countries, including the US, Russia and India, a full three months ahead of the event, this milestone reflects the increasing importance of BTM on the business travel event calendar.
Due to the increase in demand, the organisers are set to host up to five hundred VIP Hosted Buyers, between 22 and 23rd June, at Excel exhibition and convention centre, London – almost doubling the figures from 2010.
“This year marks a huge uptake in registrations this far in advance of the event” says Paul Robin, Event Director, Business Travel Market. “Businesses are recognising the real opportunities which are available by attending this kind of event. Real meetings set up in advance of the event so that buyers and exhibitors alike meet the right decision makers from the right companies in the most time efficient way possible. Our sophisticated online appointments system enables suppliers to see detailed profile information of the buyers before submitting a meeting request. Meetings are consensual on both sides and ensures that buyers and suppliers make the best use of their time to maximise their ROI.”
The VIP Hosted Buyers are invited to BTM after a rigorous qualification process, which ensures the buyer meets a strict criteria based on their level of decision making and budget responsibility within their corporation. VIP Hosted Buyers receive flights, accommodation, ground transportation and access to all conference sessions and social functions in return for attending a minimum of six meetings with exhibitors.
BTM’s VIP Hosted Buyer Programme Director Loraine Holdcroft said: “We’ve made this announcement as we’re thrilled with the level of interest already – far beyond the registrations which we would expect at this point in the year. With registrations from a range of countries, such as France, Germany, Spain, Italy, The Nordic countries, Russia and the UK, VIP Hosted Buyers attending BTM in June will participate in 4,000 pre-arranged appointments shared by the 120 exhibitors.”
Avril Gray from Standard Life said: “In only its third year, BTM seems to have struck a chord with the market and reflects what I, as a travel buyer, am looking for from an event. Pre-arranged meetings with major suppliers, leading, topical education from ACTE and superb networking opportunities scheduled into two days.”