Db Schenker News
Christian Stoll to head intermodal activities of DB Schenker Logistics
Christian Stoll will take over the intermodal activities of DB Schenker Logistics from beginning August 2012.
First fleet for hybrid shunting locomotives in Europe
Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahngesellschaft (MEG), a subsidiary of DB Schenker Rail, has leased five hybrid shunting locomotives from Alstom.
DB Schenker North Rail Express on a clear course of success
One year ago, Schenker AS in Norway, Green Cargo in Sweden, and the Industry Sector Intermodal of European rail freight operator DB Schenker Rail started up a new train between the Norwegian capital Oslo and the Arctic Circle town of Narvik. The first year shows that the DB Schenker North Rail Express is on a course of success.
DB Schenker offers new Intermodal Transport capacity between Belgium and Italy
As of the beginning February, semi-trailers can travel along the Antwerp-Novara route via intermodal transport. A new group of up to four well cars will now be coupled or decoupled in Domodossola, Italy, on the Swiss border.