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Buuteeq News

buuteeq offers free Webinar for hotels to drive direct bookings through social media channels

buuteeq offers free Webinar for hotels to drive direct bookings through social media channels

3 April 2012 Travel Technology News

Facebook. Twitter. Tumblr. Pinterest. There are so many channels available today to communicate with digital travelers and buuteeq helps hotel and marketing managers understand how the blend of technology and online marketing savvy will increase occupancy and drive more direct bookings without a significant time investment. During the free, one-hour webinar, you’ll learn about the many tools available and receive practical, time-saving tips you can use immediately to engage your guests on social channels.

buuteeq launches powerful 360 analytics for hotels

buuteeq launches powerful 360 analytics for hotels

19 March 2012 Focus

Hotel managers and marketing professionals face the challenge of understanding their guests’ varying booking habits when using web, mobile and social channels. buuteeq, the first digital marketing system for hotels, has dramatically simplified online marketing channel tracking with 360 Analytics, released today.