ITB Berlin eTravel World - added value for mobile travel services and social media

With leading new names participating and innovative topics on the agenda the Mobile Travel Services section is repositioning itself with the eTravel World Forum at ITB Berlin from 9 to 13 March 2011 as a trend-setting platform for mobile travel services and social media. In Hall 7.1c trade visitors at the ITB representing the business travel and tourism industry can find out about the latest mobile computing, augmented reality und social media trends from lectures due to be held on the eTravel stage. At the eTravel Lab opinion-formers and practitioners will invite visitors to workshops and seminars for an in-depth exchange of views about the mobile solutions of tomorrow.
Workshops and papers on digital travellers, apps and mobile strategies
Thus for example Bianca Keybach, Managing Director of Oberstaufen Tourismus Marketing GmbH, will talk about a social media campaign called ”You are Oberstaufen“ and the pioneering role it played in the launch of Google Street View. Klaus Tusche, Director of Marketing, Partnerships & Leisure Sales with Avis, will relate the experiences of Avis and Budget when they first made use of social media. Using information from a recent survey, Dr. Hagen Sexauer, Principal, Sempora Consulting, will highlight the challenges facing management as a result of the all-conquering iPad and iPhone. A workshop run by Boris Padovan, Regional Vice President SITA, the world’s leading specialist for transport communications and IT, will examine the ”digital traveller”. Using the findings of two surveys based on 2,500 interviews with customers at seven international airports in core markets, the workshop will analyse passenger behaviour and expectations and discuss ways for the eTravel industry to develop solutions. Stefan Wagner of mvolution will hold a workshop showing how tour operators can establish targeted and sustainable mobile strategies that do not simply rely on Facebook. The results of several surveys are also keenly awaited: they are “web2.0 in the Tourism Industry – the status quo in 2011“ (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Berlin), as well as a comparative study of the use of mobile technology by private consumers in Europe (Hochschule Heilbronn in collaboration with IPSOS Deutschland).
During the PhoCusWright New Media Summit on Thursday, 10 March 2011, travel bloggers from around the world will exchange their experiences and discuss new strategies and technologies. This will take place at the eTravel World event in the auditorium in Hall 7.1c, and in contrast to the remainder of the programme at the PhoCusWright@ITB Berlin convention this part will mainly address bloggers.
The stage is set for exhibitors
The eTravel World is in a central location, in the Mobile Travel Services section in Hall 7.1c. This year Komoot, the winners in the “start-up” category of last year’s VIR Innovation award, as well as international enterprises such as Vodafone, Voyavo from the US and Leadcall from the UK will be represented at the fair for the first time. Also making their debut at the world’s leading travel trade show are TravelSIM from Estonia, Worldmobi from the UK, and A1Telekom Austria AG.
Dr. Martin Buck, Director Competence Center Travel & Logistics, Messe Berlin: “The eTravel World combines valuable knowledge on practical matters with opportunities for fascinating dialogue with leading industry players from the eTravel sector. The display section has grown enormously and in 2011 there will be significantly more exhibitors from abroad. With the Travel Technology section so close by, naturally people will also want to visit the technology providers here as well.“ The fact that so many exhibitors from the Mobile Travel Services are back reflects its continuing success. Thus in 2011 Clanmo, mvolution, Pausanio, Tourias Mobile and TouristMobile, for example, will once again be at the fair.
Visitors can also find out about partners and sponsors such as the tourism lounge, TNOOZ, Ipsos, Herestay and Smartrunner from information counters at the eTravel World in Hall 7.1c. The ITB Berlin eTravel World is a project jointly organised by ITB Berlin, FAKTOR 3 AG and Akademie Neue Medien.