FAA lifts ban on US flights to Ben Gurion Airport
The FAA has lifted its restrictions on United States airline flights into and out of Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport.
The aviation body cancelled a standing Notice to Airmen earlier today.
Before making this decision, the FAA worked with its US government counterparts to assess the security situation in Israel and carefully reviewed both significant new information and measures the government of Israel is taking to mitigate potential risks to civil aviation.
The ban had been criticised by some who saw it as an attack on Israel.
However, this was denied by the American government.
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg earlier flew to Tel Aviv aboard the Israeli carrier El Al to show his solidarity with Israel.
In a statement, the FAA said it would continue to closely monitor the very fluid situation around Ben Gurion Airport and will take additional actions, as necessary.
The FAA initially instituted the flight prohibition on Tuesday, July 22nd, in response to a rocket strike that landed approximately one mile from the airport.