CHARMS sees growth
The Caribbean Hotel Association Reservation Marketing Service (CHARMS) finished up 2005 with an aggregate revenue increase of 143.4 percent.There was also a 70.7 percent increase in average
daily rates (ADR), for a portion of its member Caribbean hotels subscribed to
booking engine services, available through Utell by Pegasus or Unirez by Pegasus(tm)
representation services.
“The focus of CHARMS is to make Internet distribution easier for independent hotels
and to help hotels increase their revenues and ADR,” explained Colin Douglas,
Strategic Account Director - PegasusCHA rSolutions, who manages the program for the
Caribbean Hotel Association (CHA).
One year after Pegasus Solutions, Inc. announced the expansion of its longstanding
relationship with CHA, at Caribbean Marketplace 2005 in Montego Bay, Jamaica, the
provider of hotel representation services marks the success of the past twelve
months by extending a strategic offer of free access to the Pegasus “Rate Checker” service for one full year, for new hotels that sign up during January 2006.
“RateChecker” allows hotels to intuitively monitor and compare competitors’ rates
online, giving hotels rate intelligence that is both sophisticated and easy to use,
similar to the tools used by large chains.