A startup company MUST2GO launches a unique B2B-platform for tourism

Personal travel guide MUST2GO, offering entertainment in 22 countries, launches a unique B2B platform for travel agencies. Connecting to the platform allows travel agencies to carry out work with a wide range of entertainment products quickly and effortlessly. In their turn, the agencies’ clients get access to entertainment, excursions and transfers in all major tourist regions of the world, at the best prices and with round-the-clock support in English, Arabic and Russian.
How does a B2B platform work? The travel agency reaches out to MUST2GO to initiate a verification process. Next, the agency receives a referral link inviting the agent to access the online platform interface and start working with an extensive catalogue of entertainment from around the world. Each entry has been carefully selected and verified by MUST2GO staff members.
The agent can choose products at his or her discretion, put a price on them and be sure of the quality of the products the agency offers to their customers. Moreover, the platform provides a rare feature of live 24/7 operative support for tourists in several languages.
CEO Maksim Zhadobin: ““A tourist gets the perfect entertainment product, a consultant and an assistant in the form of the Customer Care service from MUST2GO, and pleasant impressions of the vacation without excesses, unforeseen situations, disappointments or extra expenses. The agency also earns commission without much effort. In fact, travel agencies in this relationship act exclusively as sellers. All the work with regards to the product selection, quality control and customer support falls on the shoulders of MUST2GO. “”
Previously, most tourists could only buy entertainment through local agencies abroad, significantly overpaying for their services. Travel companies, as a rule, do not offer entertainment services to their customers, since securing these services is a laborious and risky process. Now, thanks to the MUST2GO platform, agencies – and their customers – have an impressive selection of the best entertainment that can be purchased in advance and at a reasonable price.
MUST2GO has already signed contracts with more than 150 service providers in 22 countries, compiling an impressive service catalogue of more than 1000 products. Introducing its B2B solution for travel agencies, the company offers the market a new technological tool and, at the same time, contributes to the development of the global trend of restructuring the tourism market.
About the company: MUST2GO is an international company with a head office in the UAE and offices in Ukraine and Russia. The company’s mission is to be a reliable expert tourist assistant. To this end, an application was developed – a kind of personal travel assistant and entertainment guide – as well as a B2B platform for travel agencies. One of the main advantages of MUST2GO is that the company provides round-the-clock multilingual live support to customers. The Customer Care service of the company provides client support throughout the entire vacation cycle – pre-planning, during the vacation and after-sale.