MTR enhances services for elderly and persons with disabilities
The MTR Corporation is pleased to be able to roll-out the Government’s public transport fare concession scheme for the elderly and eligible persons with disabilities from 28 June 2012, the first public transport operator to do so.
Apart from making the necessary technical and administrative changes, the Corporation is also enhancing station facilities and hiring more station assistants to provide additional service to these two special passenger groups.
We would like our senior citizen and disabled passengers to enjoy comfortable and effortless journeys on the MTR. Under our new Listening, Responding Programme, we will be enhancing our facilities and services for these two passenger groups such as improving barrier-free access and adding toilet facilities, so they can get even more enjoyment out of the $2 flat fare scheme, said Mr Jay Walder, Chief Executive Officer of MTR Corporation.
Designed to directly respond to requests from passengers, the MTR’s $1 billion Listening,Responding Programme will see the installation of 10 additional external lifts by 2015 for easier connections between ground level and station concourses. Three of the lifts at Cheung Sha Wan, Jordan and Sham Shui Po stations were opened in April and May 2012.
Additional wide gates and extra platform seats are being progressively installed, while toilet facilities will be added to existing interchange stations during major renovations.
Enlarged directional signage have also been installed in stations and the popular MTR Mobile App was upgraded earlier this month to allow users to locate barrier-free access facilities.
“We have also hired more than 100 additional station assistants to lend a helping hand to our passengers with special needs. These assistants will be deployed to 28 stations frequently used by senior citizens and persons with disabilities,” said Mr Adi Lau, Chief of Operating of MTR Corporation.