Luxperience to hold more pop up events worldwide
Luxperience, the Sydney-based luxury B2B bespoke travel and lifestyle show, will launch a new series of Pop Up events in New York, London, Beijing and Sao Paulo. The Pop Up B2B sessions follow on from the pilot Pop Up business exchange held in New York on March 21.
New Pop Up events will take place between February and April 2014. Exact dates will be announced shortly.
Helen Logas, CEO of Luxperience, which takes place 2-4 September 2013 in Sydney, said that the purpose of additional Luxperience Pop Up events is to give exhibitors and buyers an opportunity to enhance business transactions in strategically important markets.
Attendance at a Luxperience Pop Up will be an exclusive privilege for exhibitors attending the main Luxperience show in Sydney, said the CEO.
“Luxperience Pop Ups are a new way to connect in an efficient, market-driven setting,” said Logas. “Pop Ups are dedicated to building personal connections and new business.”
Based on the success of the New York prototype, each Luxperience Pop Up will allow around 50 buyers to attend from each market. Exhibitors at the events will benefit from direct access to buyers who may not always be able to attend the main Luxperience annual show in September.
“Intimate Luxperience Pop Up exchanges will give buyers and sellers of high-end travel products enhanced opportunities to concentrate on specific markets for long term gain,” said Logas. The Luxperience CEO said that exhibitors were pleased with the business interactions with the 50 buyers who attended the inaugural New York event.
Each Pop Up event will present partnership opportunities. The first New York Luxperience Pop Up event was co-hosted by Luxury Lodges of Australia.