launches multilingual social media is now live on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ in both Japanese and Russian with additional languages coming very soon. Japanese and Russian language customers can now share content and travel information on a real time basis via all of social media platforms in their mother tongue.
According to Chief Information Officer Olivier Dombey, the company is extending its brand reach to millions of people through multi-lingual on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ that will include unique promotions and contests in each language and social media platform.
“This move is based on customer feedback. They clearly prefer to communicate in their native tongue even if English is the first language of most social media websites.
“Right now customers can send messages via Facebook page in any of’s 10 supported languages, and they will receive an immediate response in their native tongue,” he added.
Facebook posts in languages other than English will be set to the specific language of each user’s account. This way the timeline will not get flooded with multiple posts in languages users do not understand.
Now some of’s unique content, in the form of insightful travel guides, photos, travel tips, promotions or special hotel offers will be posted in multiple languages on social media.