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Hannover Congress Centrum re-certified Green Globe

Hannover Congress Centrum re-certified Green Globe

Green Globe Certification CEO Guido Bauer said: “Hannover Congress Centrum has implemented the philosophy of sustainability at all levels. And at a practical level all employees, as a well as clients, now get detailed information about the green operations of the Congress Centrum.

“Mr. Wohlers, the Environmental Officer of HCC, should be congratulated for his excellent leadership in preparing for the verification stage of recertification. HCC has done an outstanding job to attain 263 sustainability indicators out of 282 available.”

Hannover Congress Centrum Director, Joachim König said: “For us, it is a[n] on-going process that we work at to ensure we receive recertification for our Congress Centre in Hannover. Importantly, we have topped our result from the original certification. Having achieved this is convincing proof of the good progress our team has delivered in the past year.”

Hannover Congress Centrum’s Facility-Management Department-Manager, Lutz Wohlers, added: “Our vision was to get the process integrated into every day work. This effort has now been rewarded by having achieved 94% of all sustainability indicators. This give us great encouragement to continue the process in our Congress Center. Furthermore, many specific topics of the recertification process were very useful for examining our processes overall and assessing the quality of our technical equipment.”

The Green Globe Standard for Events has been adopted by the European Association of Event Centers (EVVC) as the meeting industry standard for sustainability. Meet representatives from Green Globe Certification at IMEX America and discover the variety of incentive, conference, and meeting options available from Green Globe’s worldwide database of sustainable hotels and convention center in 88 countries.