Breaking Travel News

Hilton sells four more

Hilton completed the sale of the Hilton Edinburgh Airport hotel to
The Managed House Unit Trust for the cash sum of £14.8m. This follows the recent
sale of 15 UK hotels to the same group on 22 November for a purchase price of
£382.4m.As a key part of the transaction, these hotels will continue to be branded
Hilton under long-term management agreements.

Hilton has also exchanged contracts for the sale of the Hilton London Mews Hotel to
Capedell Ltd (acting as nominee of Premio Group Holdings); this transaction is
expected to complete in early January. The gross asset value of this hotel is £9.0m.

In addition, Hilton has signed heads of agreement to sell the Wembley Plaza hotel
for a cash sum of £10m to property developer Quintain. Hilton will continue to
manage the hotel on behalf of the owner. In a separate announcement, Quintain have
confirmed plans to build a new hotel at Wembley Stadium, which will open in 2010 and
will be managed by Hilton.

In Australia, the company has received cash proceeds of AUD 120m (£54m), following
the sale of the recently completed office tower and car park site at the Sydney
Hilton to The Industry Superannuation Property Trust.

Brian Wallace, Deputy Group Chief Executive and Group Finance Director, commented on the recent transactions:
“Hilton Group has completed a number of UK and international property transactions
during 2005, which have delivered over £535m of sale proceeds. 


There continues to be a high level of market interest in good quality hotel assets,
and consistent with our previous announcements, we intend to place further hotels on
the market with a value in excess of £400m. Continuation of our disposal strategy makes eminent sense, irrespective of the
outcome of ongoing discussions with Hilton Hotels Corporation.”