Hotel booking service adds Australian content is adding a range of Australian product, including 700 hotels across Austrailia of which 70 properties are in Sydney alone.
The Australian collection of bookable product will join the over 30,000 existing worldwide properties, transfers, accommodation and ground product currently on offer to agents through the website.
The site offers bookings through a single web address. and enables agents to compensate for declining revenues from flight sales by increasing revenues from sales of accommodation-only and ground product.
Amy Sullivan of Tourism Australia says: “Tourism Australia offers its full support to and looks forward to working together to bring even more travellers to our magnificent country. Combine this with our online training programme - the Aussie Specialist Programme - and agents have the tools to make a strong yielding booking just a few keystrokes away.”
Philip Read of adds: “Adding this extensive range of Australian product to our collection of properties makes it even easier for agents to provide their clients with the service and selection they demand. Not only is the easiest system to use - it offers the best range and prices as well!”