Get Your Running Shoes on for the 10th Installment of the Jake’s Off-Road Triathlon
May 1 marks the 10th installment of the Jake’s Off-Road Triathlon, which will be held in the tranquil South Coast community of Treasure Beach, Jamaica. For ten years, Jake’s Treasure Beach Hotel and the people of this close-knit region have been hosting this grassroots multi-sport race to raise funds to support the development and education needs of the community.Ê All proceeds from Jake’s Triathlon will benefit “Breds,” a local charity designed to promote education, sports, cultural heritage and environmental awareness in Treasure Beach.
“Breds” - short for brethren - is a term of respect and unity commonly used by Jamaican locals and fishermen on the beaches of Treasure Beach. It is a fitting name for an organization established by Chairman, Jason Henzell, along with local community leaders and Peace Corps volunteers in 1998.
Their concept fostered an ironclad spirit of volunteerism, and a common vision, committing “Breds” to a code of commitment to the enhancement and enrichment of the Treasure Beach community through a continuous series of development projects.
The race itself comprises a 500-meter ocean swim, followed by a 25-kilometer mountain bike ride and seven-kilometer cross-country run, and has become the Caribbean’s premier off-road triathlon.
The triathlon attracts top off-road athletes from Jamaica, the Caribbean and around the world, though the registration field is capped at 100 participants. The triathlon is well revered for its friendly and intimate environment despite the competitive nature of the racers.
Previous races have sponsored projects such as volunteer first responder training for the Treasure Beach Emergency Response Unit (TBERU) as well as the construction of a community center housing an auditorium, computer lab, library and a health clinic.
The 2005 Off-Road Triathlon will help fund the development of the Treasure Beach Sports Park, which will be used by both visitors and members of community.