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Email Scammers Exploit Victims and Aides of Tsunami Disaster

In the aftermath of one of the world’s worst ever natural disasters, is warning that fraudsters are waiting to attack. According to Annette McGuire of, the devastation caused by the Tsunami in Southern Asia is bringing fraudsters out in droves.If you receive an email in the next few months asking for your help, according to anti-fraud campaigners it is unlikely to come from Asia. Look out for emails claiming to be from a surviving relative needing to transfer funds, or employment proposals for clean-up work in India. According to Annette “scam letters will soon be flooding your mailboxes, both email and snail mail and counterfeit check schemes will hit new highs”.

Examples of some of these scams have been highlighted on the home page, along with a list entitled charitable donations, which offers advice on how and where to donate money to legitimate charities.

According to the site, the best way to combat these crimes is to alert friends and family as “word of mouth is fraud’s worst enemy”.

This advice follows the arrest of Christopher Pierson, who admitted to sending out 35 hoax emails on New Years Eve, which purported that missing relatives and friends were dead.

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