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Three Tips For Travelling When Sober

Three Tips For Travelling When Sober

For many of us, having adventures around the world is what we work for. We thrive on discovery, whether it be a weekend in a new city or three months exploring a continent. But whenever you’re travelling, there are always challenges too, from language barriers to understanding the way each culture lives.

That can be even more difficult when you have your own things going on, whether it be stress, anxieties or even dealing with addiction. That’s the case for millions of people worldwide, particularly after the pandemic, with trips to a private drug rehab centre increasing worldwide as people struggled with addiction to various substances.

For those that have come out the otherside, grabbing life by the horns is common, from taking on physical challenges to seeing the world. And for those wanting to do the latter, here are five top tips to make sure you not only enjoy it, but stay on track with your sobriety too…

Maintain your regular routine
When coming out of rehab, or even when attempting sobriety alone, you’ll create a routine that helps set you up for the day and manage any stress you have. For many, that could be yoga to help deal with stress relief, in other cases a day may begin with a morning run.

Whatever routine you have to help maintain and manage your sobriety, you need to continue that while on your travels to ensure you stay on track. It will also give your life an element of normality at a time when you are far from home.

Keep your mornings busy
Filling your day when on your travels is important and will help keep away any cravings or temptations. It’s often during the evening when people are most likely to relapse. A good way to combat this is by packing your mornings with commitments and things to do.

Not only will this make you feel satisfied with your day, and tired enough to get an early night, you’ll also know that you need a good night’s sleep to get up early for the next day, and thus lessen the chance to go out to bars or out partying.

Keep in touch with loved ones and support groups
Simply touching base with those at home can also be incredibly useful, and if you’re travelling alone, also calm any fears or feelings of loneliness.

Even if it’s regularly texting loved ones, or checking in over Zoom for 10 minutes a day, it’ll reinforce the fact you’ve got everyone behind you and they’re still looking out for you no matter where you are. You have that support network if you need it, and they’re ready and waiting to help.

You’ll also have people to tell what you’ve been up to, which can be hugely useful in boosting your mood and also encourage you to continue to do the fun and exciting things you have been, making for what could be the trip of a lifetime.