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Social Media World Forum Europe 2010

Social Media World Forum Europe 2010

The Social Media World Forum is the perfect event for professionals to learn and discuss the future development of social media.
The two day conference and exhibition will provide a focused platform for the global social media industry. The conference aims to address core issues such as monetization, future technologies/services, engaging social groups with brands and how businesses can get the most out of social and business networks.

Europe’s leading social media event. Two day event featuring four dedicated conference streams, workshops and exhibition.
Conference streams include: Social Media World Forum,  Enterprise Social Media, Social TV , Mobile Social Media Cloud Computing Congress.

* Featuring key speakers from global brands, organisations, social networking publishers and developers, pioneering social media leaders, agencies, content producers plus many more.

* They latest in brand engagement using social media, social media monitoring tools, new avenues for social network advertising, and building community based management in your brand.

* Social media gaming & virtual currencies. Building social media apps - and understanding the market for virtual good and virtual currencies. The opportunities for brands within social gaming.

* The impact of social media on politics, the impact Twitter is having in politics and celebrity domains, and the role of social media within PR

Free to attend exhibition only pass available - click here
* Facebook Developer Garage & Workshops - More info

* Ecademy Workshop: An Introduction to Social Networking -

More info

* Over 3000 attendees already pre-registered!


Start Date:Monday, 15 March 2010
End Date:Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Telephone:+44 (0) 117 946 8870
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Olympia, London, United Kingdom