The Law on EXPO introduces amendments to eight legal acts

Director of the Legal Department of “Astana EXPO-2017” JSC Maiya Yegimbayeva informed about the law on the EXPO and amendments introduced to the legal acts regarding the exhibition organisation at today’s media briefing in Astana.
“The Law on EXPO introduces amendments to eight legal acts including the Budget and Tax Codes,” M.Yegimbayeva said.
The EXPO law introduces amendments to eight legislative acts, Director of the Legal Department of “Astana EXPO-2017” JSC M.Yegimbayeva said
Thus, in order to fulfill the undertaken obligations on organisation and holding of the international exhibition EXPO-2017, the Law on EXPO provides amendments to the Tax Code exempting “Astana EXPO-2017” JSC from the corporate income tax, land tax and allowing it to pay property tax at a reduce rate of 0.1% of the tax base.
Besides, the companies designing and building the EXPO-2017 facilities are exempted from the corporate income tax as well. The Government will soon make a list of such companies. Amendments aimed at provision of timely financing of the national company from the national budget are introduced into the Budget Code.
The Law “On migration of population” was amended in order to create conditions for simplification of the visa regime for some individuals arriving in the country for organisation and holding of the EXPO-2017. The simplified procedure of visa issuing will be approved by the Government.
Amendments allowing to simultaneously develop pre-design and project documentation for the EXPO-2017 facilities are introduced in the Law “On architectural, town-planning and construction activities”.
The Law “On regulation of trade activities” is amended as well and the legal status of the national company are described in it. Such notions as “international specialised exhibition”, “facilities of international exhibition”, “participants of exhibition” are introduced into the law.
Amendments aimed at simplification of the procedure of gaining the status of a participant of “Astana – new city” Special Economic Zone within the EXPO territory are introduced into the Law “On special economic zones” for organisation building the exhibition facilities.