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SAHIC prepares to Panama return next month

SAHIC prepares to Panama return next month

Hospitality, tourism and real estate players are warming up for the new edition of the industries’ most exciting gathering.

SAHIC Latin America & the Caribbean will take place on March 14-15 in Panama City, a regional and strategic meeting point for a forum that focuses on the most relevant businesses in both South and Central America

The agenda for the panels welcomes the participation of industry leaders including hoteliers, investors, bankers and renowned specialists, as well as high demand colleagues.

There will also be networking sessions that represent a unique opportunity for business development.

As SAHIC prepares for its first in-person meeting since the start of the pandemic, founder Arturo García Rosa said: “We have been planning on this Panama edition for a long time.


“We wanted to be homed in a city that could easily welcome all key markets in the Latin American broader region.

“This 2022 SAHIC edition comes at perfect timing for our commitment to rethink, recover and rise the industry together.

“As our participants have long-awaited for this to take place, we realise we are off to a historical edition.”

Further details on the agenda and keynote speakers will be unveiled by the organisers during the coming up weeks.

Iván Eskildsen, Panama minister of tourism, added: “I am a faithful believer that these are times of great opportunities to arise.

“As travellers’ preferences and consumers’ expectations in general are going through deep changes, we want to invite you to explore these great opportunities shaping together a better future for us all.”