Press conference EXPO 2017: a year after the win took place in Astana

The 5th of December one of many press conferences took place in Astana in regards to the International Specialized Exhibition EXPO-2017.
Media representatives familiarised themselves with the main events of the national project EXPO 2017 . Among the key ones were - the international architectural competition for the best design idea of the EXPO site, the enactment of the Expo Law, the development and approval of the Registrational dossier by the state commission and the choice of the new logo for the exhibition.
The press conference was attended by the Commissioner of the International specialized exhibition EXPO -2017 , First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Rapil Zhoshybayev and Chairman of the Board of JSC “NC ” Astana EXPO -2017 ” Talgat Yermegiyaev .
To this date, ten working groups were created in order to prepare for the Expo 2017 exhibition . Within JSC “NC” Astana EXPO -2017 headquarters, the infrastructure development and construction department was created. Furthermore, a development of infrastructure and construction works in the city headquarters are under the LLP “Directorate for the preparation and hosting of the International specialized exhibition EXPO -2017 “. Development of renewable energy and investment , as well as the development of tourism has been under MINT RK . Providing scientific and human resources is under - MES RK.
“A working group on foreign participation has been created. The main task of the group - is to work on the image of Kazakhstan, development of tourism, attracting local and foreign exhibitors and visitors, as well as working with them during their stay in Kazakhstan , “- said R. Zhoshybayev during his speech.
During the year 2013, the EXPO-2017 Commissioner has visited several countries under the framework of the International specialized exhibition in Astana. With a working visit R. Zhoshybayev has travelled to England , Austria , Great Britain, Germany, Italy, China, Latvia , South Korea, France, where preliminary negotiations were held.
During the press conference Talgat Yermegiyaev stated: ” In the spring of 2014 the construction of EXPO 2017 site will begin. There is not much time left. We understand that we have a responsibility in our hands . Expo 2017 is an event at a national scale , and in this case , the active participation of the citizens of Kazakhstan is the key to its success. For our part we will do our best to present the EXPO -2017 worldwide at the highest level ! “.
JSC “NC Astana EXPO -2017 ” was established in January of this year. Currently , the company employs more than 60 people , next year there are plans to expand the amount of staff. During this year the EXPO 2017 exhibition has been presented at various international thematic conferences, forums and tourism fairs . Besides that, work is being done on the informational outreach within the population .