Breaking Travel News

Northern Rail gets social

Northern Rail gets social

Northern Rail, the UK’s largest train operator is establishing its presence in the world of social media. In response to the staggering surge in passengers who now turn to social media for information on the journeys they make, Northern will be increasing the information available to its followers, as well as introducing new streams.

Adding to its already well-established Twitter handle @northernrailorg, Northern is set to launch a Facebook page ( for news and ticket deals alongside Twitter feeds for its recruitment department (@northerncareers), press office and promotional offers for customers.

@northernrailorg has promised to continue to offer one-to-one contact with its customer relations team as well as sharing live service and disruption updates; instant information direct from Northern Rail Control rooms.

Joselyn Rankin, Public Relations Manager for Northern Rail comments: “By offering tailored streams of information to our passengers, we hope to provide a more personalised service, with expert advice at the end of each of our Twitter feeds.”

“As busy commuters return to our trains this month, we hope those of them that use social media to keep updated, see a marked difference.”
The development of Northern Rail’s Facebook page and Twitter streams will support the changes being made to upgrade the travel tools section of