Motel 6 appeals through podcasts
Accor North America is using radio personality and Motel 6 spokesperson Tom Bodett in the motel chain’s first podcast.
The tongue-in-cheek podcast, titled, “Motel 6 Top Reasons to Stay at a Motel during the Holidays,” is available for download on Accor North America’s Web site
Accor North America is one of the first major hotel companies to reach out to consumers through this new medium.
“Podcasting is a new way for people to gather information based on their own preferences and timing,” said Eric Studer, senior vice president of marketing services for Motel 6.
“The podcast format allows consumers an expanded focus on topics or personalities that are not covered in traditional media. It allows us an opportunity to communicate with our existing customers and potential customers in a fun, innovative way. In short, it’s a new touch point with consumers.”
In the humorous podcast, award-winning Motel 6 spokesperson Tom Bodett counts down the top six reasons to stay at a motel instead of with your relatives this holiday season. One of the reasons being, “You, not grandma’s poor circulation, control the temperature.”
“We thought we would have some fun during the holidays and who better to have featured in our first podcast than Tom Bodett,” said Studer. “People have such an affinity for Bodett’s voice; there is an association with him and Motel 6 from our ‘We’ll leave the light on’ ad campaign. Guests also hear his voice first thing in the morning as part of their wake-up call.”
Accor North America plans to offer more podcasts in the future covering a range of topics, including tips on traveling with your pet, how to plan a road trip and how to participate in hotel franchising.
Podcasts are downloadable audio recordings that you can listen to on your computer, or put right into your iPod or other MP3 player.