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Moscow International MICE Forum 2010

Moscow International MICE Forum 2010

The Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions business in Russia is expanding fast and the Moscow International MICE Forum provides a professional and cost effective platform for International suppliers to meet the key players in this rapidly expanding section of the Russian tourism industry.

MICE business from Russia is already a multi-million segment, estimated to be worth more than US$.500 million per year. In it’s early years it did not following traditional mechanisms and developed in its own style. The Russian Meetings and Incentive sector is now becoming highly professional with a number of companies specialising only in the MICE sector. The number of professional Corporate Buyers is also increasing and all receive personal invitations to the Moscow International MICE Forum.

Extensive and continuous research enables us to locate all the major players in the Russian MICE sector and the continued success of our event, now entering our 6th year, ensures that they all attend.

The Moscow International MICE Forum is organised for MICE Professionals by Professionals. We fully understand the specialised nature of this segment of the market and ensure a high level for our International specialists and the Russian buyers.

As the Russian MICE market is still developing we are deliberately keeping the participation charges low to enable our International participants to make suitable returns on their investment.

With 6 years experience and conveniently held on March 16th (one day before the start of the MITT Exhibition) the Moscow MICE Forum is now firmly established as the leading specialised event in the MICE industry in Russia.

The cost is just €.995.- plus Registration. Can your company afford NOT to be there?


Date:Tuesday, 16 March 2010
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T-Modul Exhibition Hall, Moscow, Russia