Breaking Travel News

Western Australia boost for ecotourism in Pilbara National Park

Western Australia boost for ecotourism in Pilbara National Park

The State Government announced feasibility studies to investigate new, quality ecotourism accommodation and a range of related tourism experiences for Millstream Chichester National Park, 120km south of Karratha. Environment Minister Bill Marmion said the studies would be managed by the Department of Environment and Conservation and Tourism Western Australia under the State Government’s Naturebank program.  The studies will look at commercial accommodation and tourism experiences within the 238,000ha park.

“The work will also establish the requirement for any ecotourism development to complement existing and proposed camping accommodation,” he said.

Mr Marmion said ecotourism would provide a range of benefits for the park including opportunities for job creation, equity and long-term financial benefit for traditional owners.

“These benefits are in addition to conservation outcomes for the protection of the park’s exceptional cultural and environmental values,” he said.

Regional Development Minister Brendon Grylls said $270,000 has been allocated to the research which is fully funded by the State Government’s Royalties for Regions, Pilbara Cities initiative.


“Increasing residential population in surrounding towns and growth in visitor numbers in the Pilbara region indicates a need for more recreational options,” Mr Grylls said.