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Siwa Night at Four Seasons Hotel Alexandria

Siwa Night at Four Seasons Hotel Alexandria

Four Seasons Hotel Alexandria at San Stefano launches Siwa Night, its latest dinner creation on the Hotel’s private beach overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. It entices guests to live this unique experience in an enchanting atmosphere complimented by the genuine service of Four Seasons without having to travel deep into the desert.

At the beach guests will be seated around an Arabic set-up with rugs and cushions on the sand looking directly to the sea and lit by candles. Then guests will be invited to see the underground cooking method Abou Mardam, so called in Siwa.

This cooking technique consists of creating an oven underground for a whole goat cut into pieces to be cooked for two hours. First, the meat is marinated in a special mix of locally-sourced herbs cultivated in Siwa such as rosemary, cinnamon, cumin and cardamom. A big fire from olive wood is built in the oven and when the fire has become hot coals, the meat is added. The top is then covered by sand and another layer of burned wood.

The goat brought up in this rich area follow a special organic diet of dates that surely affects the quality of the meat. It is no surprise that the meat is deliciously tender, and that it slides from the bone. The dinner is served with rice, oven-cooked mixed vegetables, oriental salad and a selection of mezzeh. At the end of the dinner, Siwa lemongrass tea will be offered as a healthy natural digestive.

The Siwa Night dinner is an exclusive event organised upon special request. Reservations can be made for a group with a minimum 10 persons. Dinner starts at sunset, about 6:30 pm.


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