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Expo 2020 team launches outreach programme at the University of Wollongong in Dubai

Expo 2020 team launches outreach programme at the University of Wollongong in Dubai

In line with its mission to increase awareness of the UAE’s bid to host the 2020 World Expo in Dubai, the Expo team this week opened an informational kiosk on the campus of the University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD). This kiosk, offering visitors key insights into the UAE’s Expo bid, is designed to encourage students and faculty to take part in the UAE’s ongoing campaign to welcome the world on the eve of its 50th anniversary.

This initiative at UOWD follows similar programmes recently held at the American University in Dubai, Zayed University and the Canadian University in Dubai. These events are part of an ongoing series of outreach initiatives to raise awareness and generate enthusiasm for the bid among diverse communities, including young people.

Throughout the day long programme, the Expo team highlighted to visitors the many benefits the Expo can provide, such as increased economic opportunities, a platform for new ideas and a chance to learn first-hand about innovative solutions to the world’s biggest challenges.

“The University of Wollongong in Dubai is delighted to support Dubai’s bid to host the Expo 2020, ” said Peter Hawke, Director of Marketing and Student Recruitment at UOWD. “UOWD is strongly committed to community engagement and this is a great opportunity for students and staff to learn more about the Expo.”

The Expo team encouraged the academic community across the country to join the campaign, commenting that these ongoing outreach initiatives are key to raising awareness among students and strengthening the UAE’s bid to welcome the world in 2020.