Breaking Travel News

Traffic And Capacity Statistics - July 2001

Summary of the headline figures
Capacity in July, measured in Available Seat Kilometres, was 9.1 per cent below July 2000. Traffic, measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres, fell 9.7 per cent. The reduction in traffic comprised an 11.0 per cent decline in premium traffic and a 9.5 per cent fall in non-premium traffic. Passenger load factor of 77.4 per cent was down 0.6 points on July 2000. Cargo, measured in Cargo Tonne Kilometres, fell by 15.5 per cent.

Market conditions
In spite of challenging market conditions, seat factors are holding up during the busy holiday travel season. Business travel volumes continue to be weak but market share gains continue.

Strategic developments
Concorde completed two verification flights to assess the operational impact of the modifications it has undergone. The results will be submitted to the airworthiness authorities.
