Breaking Travel News

PATA puts out battle cry for global warming

PATA is seeking partnerships with businesses and organisations that believe the travel and tourism industry can and must play a leading role in the fight to reduce global warming. In the April 2 editions of TIME and FORTUNE, PATA will reiterate its recognition of the reality of global warming, and describe its vision of a travel and tourism industry that offers tangible economic value to the very things that are at risk from climate change—environments and cultures.
    “Governments and stakeholders in the travel and tourism industry across Asia Pacific are continuously tasked with enforcing sustainable tourism practices to ensure the long-term viability of the sector. Unfortunately, many tourism operators fail to grasp its true meaning or lack access to the tools needed to implement these practices. This is where PATA and our partners can help.”
    The advertorial, entitled “Our quest for sustainable tourism partners”, is an updated version of one that appeared in the February 20, 2006 edition of FORTUNE. It also follows up on the “Change of climate on global warming debate” advertorial, which ran in the year-end 2006 edition of TIME, and the year-end 2006 and March 5, 2007 editions of FORTUNE