Breaking Travel News

Top Yoga Teacher Organises Retreats To Turkey

23 March 2005


Anoushka Pletts is a yoga teacher based in Earlsfield, London. She will be
running her first yoga retreats in June and September at The Atami Hotel, Bodrum, Turkey.

Anoushka has been practising yoga for over 7 years, having trained with
British Wheel of Yoga and completed her Teacher Training at the Sivananda
Vedanta Ashram in Kerala, India. Since qualifying as a teacher Anoushka has
completed numerous yoga workshops to continue her learning and is also
qualified in Ayurvedic massage.

In 2002 Anoushka left her position as Brand Manager at Sainsbury’s to start
a new life as a yoga teacher. A trip to India gave her the courage to give
up the career she had spent her young life carefully crafting for a simpler
and more rewarding existence.


Anoushka says, “Changing my career was definitely the right decision for
me. I’m proud of the things I achieved in Marketing but my life now has a
lot more meaning. I’m healthier and happier and I get so much out of my

The Atami Hotel is the ideal location for relaxing and releasing the
stresses and strain of modern life. As the only hotel in the appropriately
named “Paradise Bay” the Atami is a well guarded secret with the Turkish

Owned and run by the Sztaylan family who are Japanese and Turkish, the
hotel offers warm hospitality and delicious food.

Each day will start at 8am with meditation and an hour and a half yoga
class to tone and prepare for the day. Guests are then free to spend the
rest of the day enjoying the facilities at their leisure before winding
down with a second meditation and yoga session at 5:00pm.

Anoushka says, “I’ve designed the programme so guests are in control, they can push
themselves as hard or as little as they want to. This retreat isn’t about
suffering and abstinence, it’s more a celebration of nature and life.
The yoga and meditation are there to promote balance and peace from within
and the surroundings will help provide a suitable environment for self
reflection and growth throughout the rest of the day.”     

Anouskha is bringing along Susan Flynn, who will be available to provide
Ayurvedic Massage to retreat guests. The two became firm friends on a
recent trip to India where they studied the ancient teachings of Ayurveda.

For more information regarding the retreats, please send an inquiry to: [email protected]