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Argentina unveils new national tourism plan

President Macri and his team gather to present the new document

The president of Argentina, Mauricio Macri, and the minister of tourism, Gustavo Santos, have presented the Tourism National Plan for the next four years.

The plan foresees to increase up to 50 per cent the arrival of international tourists to Argentina until 2020, reaching nine millions of foreign tourists a year.

This would mean an income of almost one billion US dollars per year, and would allow Argentina to strengthen tourism as the main service of exportation of the country.

The National Government has set as main goal to double the United States and Canada market, increase the European, and develop long distance markets, emphasizing on China, Russia and India.

At regional level, the purpose is to recover the Brazilian market, deepen the border and make the Andean and Mexican grow.

At the national level it is expected an increasing of the 47 per cent, achieving the 70 million domestic tourists.

The Argentina Tourism National Plan will allow Argentina to “generate 300,000 new job positions during the four years across the whole value chain of the touristic industry, innovating, applying new technologies, endorsing entrepreneurs and promoting the training and quality in every Argentinian destination,” explained minister Santos.

The minister highlighted the importance of this plan, by which: “Argentina will reinsert itself through tourism in the world.

“We have set achievable goals over the global prediction of growth, because we are convinced that if the nation, provinces and municipalities and the whole tourist sector work together, we will make it,” he added.

“Definitely, the government is looking forward to endorse the competitively and sustainability of the tourism sector; increase the investment and development of regional economies; promote jobs creation in Argentina and increase domestic tourism.”